Categories: Internet Tips

What to look for in a new office from an IT perspective

Planning to move your office or setting up a new one for your business is daunting enough, but these days it’s not quite as simple as moving in your furniture and making sure the lights are on. From an IT perspective, there is a lot of additional planning that goes into such a task, especially if you want the move to be as painless and seamless as possible.

Know what you’re walking into

First, let’s look at the key IT points to consider.


Are there internet options available that will suit your needs? Is the NBN available in my area?

The NBN rollout is ongoing, and will mean lightning-fast speeds on a very reliable network. Check to see if NBN is available for your new location, and if not, when it is estimated to become available. If you hope to take advantage of the NBN but can’t do so right away, plan your office from a broadband perspective so you can make the switch quickly and easily once it comes on line. Even if NBN is not available, see if Fibre, Metro Ethernet or ADSL is available. Also check what speeds you are likely to get so there are no surprises.

Voice and network infrastructure

The voice and data network infrastructure is very important, so be sure to consider your present and future needs from this standpoint. From a cabling perspective, if the space was previously occupied by an accounting firm, and you are a fast-growing multimedia company, chances are the existing network infrastructure may not be adequate for your needs. The bandwidth that may have been okay for the twenty bean counters that came before would not even scratch the surface for a design-focused group that needs to transfer large files on a regular basis. If this is the case, a complete re-wiring of the entire office may be necessary.

Power and cabling

Power and cabling is also an important issue. Sometimes, the building’s owner or property manager can provide you with a detailed schematic showing where all the power outlets and telephone jacks are located so you can start putting the pieces together. It’s especially important as this will tell you what work needs to be done before the move is initiated. Always consider potential future uses for any areas not already allocated to a use. It is always wise to run additional network access points, even if you’re not sure you are going to use them. Running extra wire now will save you lots of money and aggravation later on.

Will you need a server room?

If your company plans to run physical servers, you will need to allocate adequate space to house them. Ask yourself whether you will need to add more servers over time, and if there is enough room for the expansion. Consider also whether you will need to install new data drops, and if the air conditioning is sufficient. If not, find out if the a/c can be routed to the room.

Do you need a new phone system?

If you were previously running a legacy PBX system, you might consider switching to a VoIP solution for your voice and messaging. The advantages to a unified communications network are great, and can add value to your company in increased employee engagement and productivity. Additionally, it will save you a great deal of money on telephone infrastructure, as the system is completely virtual. This gives you access to enterprise-level features at a fraction of the cost of what you may have been paying for your phone service before. You can also take your old number with you, even if you move into a new area.


Make sure you have a plan and don’t leave this to the last minute.  It can take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks to get new services activated, and even longer for Fibre.   Nobody wants to turn up to his or her new office and have no access to email.

Pro tip: schedule your move on a weekend when there will be less people needing to access the network. Your engineers can work without distraction and you can hit the ground running on Monday.

Greenlight ITC: Office Relocations

While there are many IT companies in Sydney and Melbourne  who can help you determine your needs, Greenlight ITC is a trusted provider of managed services with more than a decade of experience. Always keen to share our best advice, we’re also here to help when you need it. If you are moving your office to a new location, or setting up a new one, call Greenlight ITC today. Our technicians are always standing by to lend a helping hand.


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