Categories: IT office relocation

How to Make Your IT Relocation Hassle Free

Let’s be honest: everyone hates moving. The endless cataloging of items, the drudgery of packing up your important belongings, and the fervent hope that your precious antique collection of saucers makes it to your new place can cause a lot of worry.

Moving a small to medium sized business isn’t easy either. A business has many important parts that have to be considered. Chief among these is the IT department. While moving ordinary office equipment is one thing, moving your IT equipment and infrastructure comes with its own special challenges.

Thankfully, moving doesn’t have to cause you to lose sleep! Here are five simple ways to move your IT infrastructure hassle free.

Tips for your next IT Relocation

Start Planning as Early as Possible

It’s never too early to start planning your move in detail. The more time that you take to plan, the more likely it is that you’ll have a smooth and hassle-free move. By starting the planning process early, you can avoid the last minute issues that can cost time and money when you’re in a rush and pressed for time. It’s recommended that you give your Internet Service Providers, your telephone network, and all other important providers at least 75 days (two and a half months) notice in advance, according to Cabling Solutions. That way, any and all details can be worked out without incurring any additional charges because of late notice.

Get Insurance

Before moving your IT equipment, Tech Republic suggests ensuring that you or your mover has insurance. Getting your equipment broken or otherwise damaged sucks, but it happens to even the best of movers. A simple accident while moving could easily cost your business tens of thousands of dollars in out of pocket expenses. Shop around for the best insurance plan to ensure that even if your equipment is damaged or destroyed, you’re fully covered.

Consider Space and Layout

Before moving, take into consideration the space and layout available to you. Your new office may require a totally different configuration from your previous one, meaning that you may have to design a totally different layout. The configuration also may make it difficult for any large or bulky IT equipment to be positioned for maximum efficient use. In addition, the layout of your office can impact your IT infrastructure, such as adding to expensive cabling or cooling needs. Carpets can generate static electricity, causing reboots or even equipment failure, according to Cabling Solution. It’s important to decide on the best possible configuration for your office and figure out where your equipment will go before you start the moving process

Back Up Your Data Remotely

Before moving, ensure that all your important data is both safely backed up in a retrievable location and tested to ensure that it is backed up properly. Your move may leave you unable to access your equipment for longer than you expected, or you may run into an emergency where you’ll have to access that data immediately, or an important piece of equipment may be damaged while being moved, losing all the data within. Whatever the case, having your data backed up in an easily accessible remote location means that even if your primary data storage equipment is damaged, you can quickly retrieve the necessary information.

Hire a Professional

Engaging the services of a professional IT relocation company like Greenlight is guaranteed to make your move easier, according to Green Light IT. Although we live in a DIY age, moving your IT equipment is simply too important to delegate to someone without a proven track record and experience, even if it is yourself! Relocation service professionals can quickly troubleshoot problems that you may not even be aware of and also give much needed assistance with moving both physical equipment and services from one location to another.

For some businesses, office relocation can be a nightmare. Equipment loss, extra moving charges, and data loss can have a huge negative impact on your business profitability. However, by following the above advice, you can rest easy in knowing that your IT department will have a hassle free relocation.

Mike Smith

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