Categories: Business Technology

How Long Should Your Business PC or Laptop Last?

We hear this all the time: “Is it okay to keep my business PC or laptop until it dies?”

It’s a good question. In a perfect world, how long will a business desktop PC or laptop last?

Planning for obsolescence as well as for the need to repurchase is important, but just how do you gauge what that timespan might be? The answer is far from being cut-and-dried.

New technology has been keeping us all on our toes, and it might seem like what was shiny and new last year doesn’t quite stand up to this years’ new and improved model.

Add to that the likelihood that you’ve had to undertake some major upgrades to infrastructure, servers, and storage, and let’s not forget the ongoing expense of licensing, updates, and upgrades to your software.

It’s a lot to manage, even without the hardware concerns, but this is the precise reason why many companies are thinking about it right now.

Signs of IT stress is an indication that it is time to upgrade

If you’ve upgraded to the latest operating systems and security patches, and all of your applications and utilities are functioning well, there is really no pressing need to make any changes. However, if processes are becoming difficult, time-consuming, and are therefore costing you money instead of the other way around, you may want to consider your options.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Are your computers suitable for the purpose they are meant to serve?

Your staff is likely the best source for answers to this question. Find out how they feel about both the hardware and the software they use every day. Does it support the way they need to work? Does it facilitate and enable the level of productivity you expect? Based on their feedback, you may have your answer.

2. Are there any standards in your industry, and if so, do your PCs and laptops meet them?

As new technologies and platforms come into the marketplace, they are often designed to be deployed on the latest hardware. If your systems are or will soon become incompatible, you may be forced to upgrade simply to avoid obsolescence. Knowing what technologies your biggest competitors are using will help to keep your IT relevant.

3. What benefits will you realize if you decide to upgrade?

If there are new opportunities that would be facilitated by a company-wide hardware upgrade, perhaps this is something to consider. If you feel that productivity would be improved by an upgrade, or if it will mean your employees will spend less time on day-to-day tasks while opening doors to gainful opportunity, then a hardware upgrade may prove beneficial.

How often should I upgrade?

Cloud computing, cloud servers, cloud data storage, SaaS, managed IT, and virtualization has enabled SMEs to realize significant financial benefits by not having to continually upgrade their server infrastructure and other hardware. These technologies have effectively extended the lifespan of our existing workstations and maximized profits for many companies, and will continue to do so until the “next big thing” comes along.

While it is impossible to predict just how long one desktop or laptop computer will last, there will inevitably come a time when it’s necessary. For now, suffice to say that if your employees are happy and productive, and if they are not hindered by their IT in any way, and if you are happy with how things are running across the enterprise, you can relax. There is really no reason to shake things up.

Greenlight ITC: IT consultants in Sydney and Melbourne

Ultimately, your PCs and laptops should provide a seamless user experience. If your existing hardware is getting in the way of your progress and you’re feeling the need for an upgrade, call Greenlight today. Our technicians are ready to help with all of your hardware purchasing and upgrade needs.


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