Managed IT Support Case Study by Parkhill Freeman

Reliable and consistent IT systems with a single point of responsibility.

When Parkhill Freeman upgraded and standardised their business with Greenlight, they unlocked their IT investment’s true value.

Parkhill Freeman is a highly successful Melbourne based structural and civil engineering firm. They have been working in the industry for over 45 years and has contributed to numerous well know developments such as, McDonald’s restaurants, Primary and High Schools across the state and KFC restaurants to name a few.

The Situation

Parkhill Freeman their biggest concern was their aging IT infrastructure in both hardware and software. Parkhill Freeman were using a combination of operating systems from Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows vista.

Running both Office 2003 and 2007 which was causing inconstancies in document types and difficulties maintaining standards.

They were running Microsoft Exchange 2003 and were reaching its limitations due to mail- box size restrictions. When Greenlight ITC first started working with Parkhill Freeman their biggest concern was their aging hardware and software IT infra- structure.

Parkhill Freeman were using a combination of operating systems from Windows XP, Windows
2000 and Windows vista.


Industry: Engineering

Cities: Melbourne

Challenge: To standardise IT systems and improve remote access.

Services: Managed IT Services and Backup


  • Software and Hardware standardised
  • Backup & Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Easy remote access for employees
  • Improved workflow

“This outcome was important to our business, to keep us competitive, enable staff to work remotely, ensure security of our data while using a system that is easy to operate as we moved to storing all our data electronically. We have achieved our objectives and recommend
Greenlight ITC to small businesses.”

David Freeman, [Director] Parkhill Freeman

The Solution

Greenlight implemented a Standard Operating Environment (SOE) for all computers in the business running Windows 7 Professional and Office 2010.

Consistency was introduced to third party software in relevant departments, such as all Engineers and Draftsmen running standardised software. This resulted in faster workflow and flexibility for staff accessing different machines.

Darren Free, Director at Parkhill Freeman, says that “this increased production, [offering] greater consistency to the delivery of our documentation and better management of our data.”

All Critical business machines were replaced by up to date PC’s with 3 year onsite warranties. This means that if there are any hardware failures the disruption and cost to the business will be minimal.

Greenlight implemented a Windows Small business server 2008 and performed a migration from the aging Small business server 2003. This gave the company an up to date solution with advanced features such as larger email inboxes, and a 5 year onsite warranty for the server.

Greenlight ITC introduced a disk to disk “snapshot” style backup, protecting the business from a wide range of risks of data loss.

Parkhill also receive daily reports showing the status of their backups. Parkhill Freeman needed the ability to access their workstations remotely to work on the move or from home.

Greenlight implemented a cost effective solution allowing staff to access their machines remotely without needing technical knowledge or any complicated configuration.

The Benefits

Parkhill Freeman now has a standard operating environment and is no longer having issues with inconsistencies in their software and documents.

All critical business machines are covered under onsite warranties, and they have a more complete disaster recovery implementation.

Parkhill Freeman is also enjoying the ability to easily work remotely. Overall this has seen an increase in workflow and standardisation across the business.