With the outbreak of COVID-19, we are increasingly having conversations with our clients about working from home, so we thought it timely that we share some of our recommendations to help us all get through the next few months with as little disruption to business as usual as possible. While every …
Mandatory Data Breach legislation: Do you have a Data Breach Response Plan?
While every plan needs to be tailored to the individual business needs, some common things to consider in your plan might include: How to determine a suspected breach? What should the staff member who detected the breach do? What should the Company Directors do? How do you contain the …
What is business intelligence? And does my small business need it?
Business Intelligence, also known as BI, is becoming essential for enterprise-level operations. But what about small businesses? Does the cost provide real value, or is it simply unnecessary unless you plan to scale up? The answer is surprisingly pleasant: as essential enterprise services such as …